array |
$args |
Possible arguments, with their default values:
'hook' => '' - the name of the action that will be triggered
'args' => NULL - the args array that will be passed with the action
'date' => NULL - the scheduled date of the action. Expects a DateTime object, a unix timestamp, or a string that can parsed with strtotime(). Used in UTC timezone.
'date_compare' => '<=' - operator for testing "date". accepted values are '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '='
'modified' => NULL - the date the action was last updated. Expects a DateTime object, a unix timestamp, or a string that can parsed with strtotime(). Used in UTC timezone.
'modified_compare' => '<=' - operator for testing "modified". accepted values are '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '='
'group' => '' - the group the action belongs to
'status' => '' - ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_COMPLETE or ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_PENDING
'claimed' => NULL - TRUE to find claimed actions, FALSE to find unclaimed actions, a string to find a specific claim ID
'per_page' => 5 - Number of results to return
'offset' => 0
'orderby' => 'date' - accepted values are 'hook', 'group', 'modified', or 'date'
'order' => 'ASC'. |