action_scheduler_post_type_args(array $args) : mixed
Adjust parameters for custom post type.
array | $args | Args. |
Class ActionScheduler_AdminView_Deprecated
Store deprecated public functions previously found in the ActionScheduler_AdminView class. Keeps them out of the way of the main class.
list_table_views(array $views) : array
Customise the post status related views displayed on the Scheduled Actions administration screen.
array | $views | An associative array of views and view labels which can be used to filter the 'scheduled-action' posts displayed on the Scheduled Actions administration screen. |
$views An associative array of views and view labels which can be used to filter the 'scheduled-action' posts displayed on the Scheduled Actions administration screen.
bulk_actions(array $actions) : array
Do not include the "Edit" action for the Scheduled Actions administration screen.
Hooked to the 'bulk_actions-edit-action-scheduler' filter.
array | $actions | An associative array of actions which can be performed on the 'scheduled-action' post type. |
$actions An associative array of actions which can be performed on the 'scheduled-action' post type.
list_table_columns(array $columns) : array
Completely customer the columns displayed on the Scheduled Actions administration screen.
Because we can't filter the content of the default title and date columns, we need to recreate our own custom columns for displaying those post fields. For the column content, @see self::list_table_column_content().
array | $columns | An associative array of columns that are use for the table on the Scheduled Actions administration screen. |
$columns An associative array of columns that are use for the table on the Scheduled Actions administration screen.
list_table_sortable_columns(array $columns) : array
Make our custom title & date columns use defaulting title & date sorting.
array | $columns | An associative array of columns that can be used to sort the table on the Scheduled Actions administration screen. |
$columns An associative array of columns that can be used to sort the table on the Scheduled Actions administration screen.
list_table_column_content(string $column_name, int $post_id) : mixed
Print the content for our custom columns.
string | $column_name | The key for the column for which we should output our content. |
int | $post_id | The ID of the 'scheduled-action' post for which this row relates. |
row_actions(array $actions, \WP_Post $post) : array
Hide the inline "Edit" action for all 'scheduled-action' posts.
Hooked to the 'post_row_actions' filter.
array | $actions | An associative array of actions which can be performed on the 'scheduled-action' post type. |
\WP_Post | $post | The 'scheduled-action' post object. |
$actions An associative array of actions which can be performed on the 'scheduled-action' post type.
admin_notices() : void
Convert an interval of seconds into a two part human friendly string.
The WordPress human_time_diff() function only calculates the time difference to one degree, meaning even if an action is 1 day and 11 hours away, it will display "1 day". This function goes one step further to display two degrees of accuracy.
Based on Crontrol::interval() function by Edward Dale: