$local_timezone : null|\DateTimeZone
DateTimeZone object.
Class ActionScheduler_TimezoneHelper
$local_timezone : null|\DateTimeZone
DateTimeZone object.
get_local_timezone_string(bool $reset = false) : string
Helper to retrieve the timezone string for a site until a WP core method exists (see https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/24730).
Adapted from wc_timezone_string() and https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.timezone-name-from-abbr.php#89155.
If no timezone string is set, and its not possible to match the UTC offset set for the site to a timezone string, then an empty string will be returned, and the UTC offset should be used to set a DateTime's timezone.
bool | $reset | Unused. |
PHP timezone string for the site or empty if no timezone string is available.
since | 2.1.0 |
get_local_timezone_offset() : float
Get timezone offset in seconds.
since | 2.1.0 |