account_activation_link_tags_patterns( $placeholders) : array
UM Placeholders for activation link in email
$placeholders |
Action_Scheduler |
um |
ActionScheduler_Exception | ActionScheduler Exception Interface. |
ActionScheduler_Schedule | Class ActionScheduler_Schedule |
CronExpression_FieldInterface | CRON field interface |
ActionScheduler | Class ActionScheduler |
ActionScheduler_Abstract_ListTable | Action Scheduler Abstract List Table class |
ActionScheduler_Abstract_QueueRunner | Abstract class with common Queue Cleaner functionality. |
ActionScheduler_Abstract_QueueRunner_Deprecated | Abstract class with common Queue Cleaner functionality. |
ActionScheduler_Abstract_RecurringSchedule | Class ActionScheduler_Abstract_RecurringSchedule |
ActionScheduler_Abstract_Schedule | Class ActionScheduler_Abstract_Schedule |
ActionScheduler_Abstract_Schema | Class ActionScheduler_Abstract_Schema |
ActionScheduler_Action | Class ActionScheduler_Action |
ActionScheduler_ActionClaim | Class ActionScheduler_ActionClaim |
ActionScheduler_ActionFactory | Class ActionScheduler_ActionFactory |
ActionScheduler_AdminView | Class ActionScheduler_AdminView |
ActionScheduler_AdminView_Deprecated | Class ActionScheduler_AdminView_Deprecated |
ActionScheduler_AsyncRequest_QueueRunner | ActionScheduler_AsyncRequest_QueueRunner class. |
ActionScheduler_CanceledAction | Class ActionScheduler_CanceledAction |
ActionScheduler_CanceledSchedule | Class ActionScheduler_SimpleSchedule |
ActionScheduler_Compatibility | Class ActionScheduler_Compatibility |
ActionScheduler_CronSchedule | Class ActionScheduler_CronSchedule |
ActionScheduler_DataController | Class ActionScheduler_DataController |
ActionScheduler_DateTime | ActionScheduler DateTime class. |
ActionScheduler_DBLogger | Class ActionScheduler_DBLogger |
ActionScheduler_DBStore | Class ActionScheduler_DBStore |
ActionScheduler_DBStoreMigrator | Class ActionScheduler_DBStoreMigrator |
ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor | Class ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor |
ActionScheduler_FinishedAction | Class ActionScheduler_FinishedAction |
ActionScheduler_HybridStore | Class ActionScheduler_HybridStore |
ActionScheduler_IntervalSchedule | Class ActionScheduler_IntervalSchedule |
ActionScheduler_InvalidActionException | InvalidAction Exception. |
ActionScheduler_ListTable | Implements the admin view of the actions. |
ActionScheduler_Lock | Abstract class for setting a basic lock to throttle some action. |
ActionScheduler_LogEntry | Class ActionScheduler_LogEntry |
ActionScheduler_Logger | Class ActionScheduler_Logger |
ActionScheduler_LoggerSchema | Class ActionScheduler_LoggerSchema |
ActionScheduler_NullAction | Class ActionScheduler_NullAction |
ActionScheduler_NullLogEntry | Class ActionScheduler_NullLogEntry |
ActionScheduler_NullSchedule | Class ActionScheduler_NullSchedule |
ActionScheduler_OptionLock | Provide a way to set simple transient locks to block behaviour for up-to a given duration. |
ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner | Class ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner |
ActionScheduler_QueueRunner | Class ActionScheduler_QueueRunner |
ActionScheduler_Schedule_Deprecated | Class ActionScheduler_Abstract_Schedule |
ActionScheduler_SimpleSchedule | Class ActionScheduler_SimpleSchedule |
ActionScheduler_Store | Class ActionScheduler_Store |
ActionScheduler_Store_Deprecated | Class ActionScheduler_Store_Deprecated |
ActionScheduler_StoreSchema | Class ActionScheduler_StoreSchema |
ActionScheduler_TimezoneHelper | Class ActionScheduler_TimezoneHelper |
ActionScheduler_Versions | Class ActionScheduler_Versions |
ActionScheduler_wcSystemStatus | Class ActionScheduler_wcSystemStatus |
ActionScheduler_WPCLI_Clean_Command | Commands for Action Scheduler. |
ActionScheduler_WPCLI_QueueRunner | WP CLI Queue runner. |
ActionScheduler_WPCLI_Scheduler_command | Commands for Action Scheduler. |
ActionScheduler_WPCommentCleaner | Class ActionScheduler_WPCommentCleaner |
ActionScheduler_wpCommentLogger | Class ActionScheduler_wpCommentLogger |
ActionScheduler_wpPostStore | Class ActionScheduler_wpPostStore |
ActionScheduler_wpPostStore_PostStatusRegistrar | Class ActionScheduler_wpPostStore_PostStatusRegistrar |
ActionScheduler_wpPostStore_PostTypeRegistrar | Class ActionScheduler_wpPostStore_PostTypeRegistrar |
ActionScheduler_wpPostStore_TaxonomyRegistrar | Class ActionScheduler_wpPostStore_TaxonomyRegistrar |
Array2XML | |
CronExpression | CRON expression parser that can determine whether or not a CRON expression is due to run, the next run date and previous run date of a CRON expression. |
CronExpression_AbstractField | Abstract CRON expression field |
CronExpression_DayOfMonthField | Day of month field. Allows: * , / - ? L W |
CronExpression_DayOfWeekField | Day of week field. Allows: * / , - ? L # |
CronExpression_FieldFactory | CRON field factory implementing a flyweight factory |
CronExpression_HoursField | Hours field. Allows: * , / - |
CronExpression_MinutesField | Minutes field. Allows: * , / - |
CronExpression_MonthField | Month field. Allows: * , / - |
CronExpression_YearField | Year field. Allows: * , / - |
UM_Emails_List_Table | Class UM_Emails_List_Table |
UM_Functions | Class UM_Functions |
UM_Roles_List_Table | Class UM_Roles_List_Table |
UM_Versions_List_Table | Class UM_Versions_List_Table |
WP_Async_Request | Abstract WP_Async_Request class. |
as_enqueue_async_action(string $hook, array $args = array(), string $group = '', bool $unique = false, int $priority = 10) : int
Enqueue an action to run one time, as soon as possible
string | $hook | The hook to trigger. |
array | $args | Arguments to pass when the hook triggers. |
string | $group | The group to assign this job to. |
bool | $unique | Whether the action should be unique. It will not be scheduled if another pending or running action has the same hook and group parameters. |
int | $priority | Lower values take precedence over higher values. Defaults to 10, with acceptable values falling in the range 0-255. |
The action ID. Zero if there was an error scheduling the action.
as_get_datetime_object(mixed $date_string = null, string $timezone = 'UTC') : \ActionScheduler_DateTime
Helper function to create an instance of DateTime based on a given string and timezone. By default, will return the current date/time in the UTC timezone.
Needed because new DateTime() called without an explicit timezone will create a date/time in PHP's timezone, but we need to have assurance that a date/time uses the right timezone (which we almost always want to be UTC), which means we need to always include the timezone when instantiating datetimes rather than leaving it up to the PHP default.
mixed | $date_string | A date/time string. Valid formats are explained in |
string | $timezone | A timezone identifier, like UTC or Europe/Lisbon. The list of valid identifiers is available |
as_get_scheduled_actions(array $args = array(), string $return_format = OBJECT) : array
Find scheduled actions
array | $args | Possible arguments, with their default values. 'hook' => '' - the name of the action that will be triggered. 'args' => NULL - the args array that will be passed with the action. 'date' => NULL - the scheduled date of the action. Expects a DateTime object, a unix timestamp, or a string that can parsed with strtotime(). Used in UTC timezone. 'date_compare' => '<=' - operator for testing "date". accepted values are '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '='. 'modified' => NULL - the date the action was last updated. Expects a DateTime object, a unix timestamp, or a string that can parsed with strtotime(). Used in UTC timezone. 'modified_compare' => '<=' - operator for testing "modified". accepted values are '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '='. 'group' => '' - the group the action belongs to. 'status' => '' - ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_COMPLETE or ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_PENDING. 'claimed' => NULL - TRUE to find claimed actions, FALSE to find unclaimed actions, a string to find a specific claim ID. 'per_page' => 5 - Number of results to return. 'offset' => 0. 'orderby' => 'date' - accepted values are 'hook', 'group', 'modified', 'date' or 'none'. 'order' => 'ASC'. |
string | $return_format | OBJECT, ARRAY_A, or ids. |
as_has_scheduled_action(string $hook, array $args = null, string $group = '') : bool
Check if there is a scheduled action in the queue but more efficiently than as_next_scheduled_action().
It's recommended to use this function when you need to know whether a specific action is currently scheduled (pending or in-progress).
string | $hook | The hook of the action. |
array | $args | Args that have been passed to the action. Null will matches any args. |
string | $group | The group the job is assigned to. |
True if a matching action is pending or in-progress, false otherwise.
as_next_scheduled_action(string $hook, array $args = null, string $group = '') : int|bool
Check if there is an existing action in the queue with a given hook, args and group combination.
An action in the queue could be pending, in-progress or async. If the is pending for a time in future, its scheduled date will be returned as a timestamp. If it is currently being run, or an async action sitting in the queue waiting to be processed, in which case boolean true will be returned. Or there may be no async, in-progress or pending action for this hook, in which case, boolean false will be the return value.
string | $hook | Name of the hook to search for. |
array | $args | Arguments of the action to be searched. |
string | $group | Group of the action to be searched. |
The timestamp for the next occurrence of a pending scheduled action, true for an async or in-progress action or false if there is no matching action.
as_schedule_cron_action(int $timestamp, string $schedule, string $hook, array $args = array(), string $group = '', bool $unique = false, int $priority = 10) : int
Schedule an action that recurs on a cron-like schedule.
int | $timestamp | The first instance of the action will be scheduled to run at a time calculated after this timestamp matching the cron expression. This can be used to delay the first instance of the action. |
string | $schedule | A cron-link schedule string. |
string | $hook | The hook to trigger. |
array | $args | Arguments to pass when the hook triggers. |
string | $group | The group to assign this job to. |
bool | $unique | Whether the action should be unique. It will not be scheduled if another pending or running action has the same hook and group parameters. |
int | $priority | Lower values take precedence over higher values. Defaults to 10, with acceptable values falling in the range 0-255. |
The action ID. Zero if there was an error scheduling the action.
as_schedule_recurring_action(int $timestamp, int $interval_in_seconds, string $hook, array $args = array(), string $group = '', bool $unique = false, int $priority = 10) : int
Schedule a recurring action
int | $timestamp | When the first instance of the job will run. |
int | $interval_in_seconds | How long to wait between runs. |
string | $hook | The hook to trigger. |
array | $args | Arguments to pass when the hook triggers. |
string | $group | The group to assign this job to. |
bool | $unique | Whether the action should be unique. It will not be scheduled if another pending or running action has the same hook and group parameters. |
int | $priority | Lower values take precedence over higher values. Defaults to 10, with acceptable values falling in the range 0-255. |
The action ID. Zero if there was an error scheduling the action.
as_schedule_single_action(int $timestamp, string $hook, array $args = array(), string $group = '', bool $unique = false, int $priority = 10) : int
Schedule an action to run one time
int | $timestamp | When the job will run. |
string | $hook | The hook to trigger. |
array | $args | Arguments to pass when the hook triggers. |
string | $group | The group to assign this job to. |
bool | $unique | Whether the action should be unique. It will not be scheduled if another pending or running action has the same hook and group parameters. |
int | $priority | Lower values take precedence over higher values. Defaults to 10, with acceptable values falling in the range 0-255. |
The action ID. Zero if there was an error scheduling the action.
as_unschedule_action(string $hook, array $args = array(), string $group = '') : int|null
Cancel the next occurrence of a scheduled action.
While only the next instance of a recurring or cron action is unscheduled by this method, that will also prevent all future instances of that recurring or cron action from being run. Recurring and cron actions are scheduled in a sequence instead of all being scheduled at once. Each successive occurrence of a recurring action is scheduled only after the former action is run. If the next instance is never run, because it's unscheduled by this function, then the following instance will never be scheduled (or exist), which is effectively the same as being unscheduled by this method also.
string | $hook | The hook that the job will trigger. |
array | $args | Args that would have been passed to the job. |
string | $group | The group the job is assigned to. |
The scheduled action ID if a scheduled action was found, or null if no matching action found.
as_unschedule_all_actions(string $hook, array $args = array(), string $group = '') : mixed
Cancel all occurrences of a scheduled action.
string | $hook | The hook that the job will trigger. |
array | $args | Args that would have been passed to the job. |
string | $group | The group the job is assigned to. |
um_after_insert_user(int|\WP_Error $user_id, array $args, null|array $form_data = null) : mixed
After insert a new user run at frontend and backend.
int|\WP_Error | $user_id | |
array | $args | |
null|array | $form_data | It's null in case when posted from wp-admin > Add user |
um_closest_num( $array, $number) : mixed
Find closest number in an array
$array | ||
$number |
package |
um_comment_link_to_profile(string $return, string $author, string $comment_id) : string
Control comment author display.
string | $return | The HTML-formatted comment author link. |
string | $author | The comment author's username. |
string | $comment_id | The comment ID as a numeric string. |
package |
um_conditional_nav_menu( $menu_items, $args) : mixed
Conditional menu items
$menu_items | ||
$args |
package |
um_control_admin_bar(bool $show) : bool
Hide admin bar appropriately
bool | $show |
package |
um_convert_tags( $content, array $args = array(), bool $with_kses = true) : mixed|string
Convert template tags
$content | ||
array | $args | |
bool | $with_kses |
package |
package |
um_custom_wp_err_messages( $message) : string
Filter to customize errors
$message |
package |
um_deprecated_function(string $function, string $version, string $replacement = null) : mixed
Wrapper for deprecated functions so we can apply some extra logic.
string | $function | |
string | $version | |
string | $replacement |
package | |
since | 2.0 |
um_disable_native_email_notificatiion( $changed, $user_id) : mixed
Disable WP native email notification when change email on user account
$changed | ||
$user_id |
package |
um_display_login_errors( $args) : mixed
Display the login errors from other plugins
$args |
package |
um_dynamic_login_page_redirect(string $redirect_to = '') : bool|mixed|string|void
Get where user should be headed after logging
string | $redirect_to |
package |
um_dynamic_user_profile_pagetitle( $title, string $sep = '') : mixed|string
Fix for plugin "The SEO Framework", dynamic profile page title
$title | ||
string | $sep |
package |
um_dynamic_user_profile_title( $title, string $id = '') : string
Try and modify the page title in page
$title | ||
string | $id |
package |
um_edit_my_profile_cancel_uri(string $url = '') : mixed|string|void
Remove edit profile args from url
string | $url |
package |
um_edit_profile_url(int $user_id = null) : string
Returns the edit profile link
int | $user_id |
package |
um_edit_url_field_value( $value, $key) : string
Cleaning on XSS injection for url editing field
$value | ||
$key |
package |
um_editing_user_id_input( $args) : mixed
If editing another user
$args |
package |
um_fetch_user( $user_id) : mixed
Sets a specific user and prepares profile data and user permissions and makes them accessible.
$user_id | (required) A user ID is required. This is the user's ID that you wish to set/retrieve |
package | |
function |
um_fetch_user() |
description |
This function sets a user and allow you to retrieve any information for the retrieved user |
usage |
<?php um_fetch_user( $user_id ); ?> |
um_field_conditions_are_met( $data) : bool
If conditions are met return true;
$data |
package |
um_field_non_utf8_value(string $value) : string
Filter non-UTF8 strings
string | $value |
package |
um_filter_get_avatar_url(string $url, int $id_or_email, array $args) : string
Replace Gravatar image URL to Ultimate member profile image URL if setting "Use Gravatars?" disabled
string | $url | |
int | $id_or_email | |
array | $args |
package |
um_filter_search(string $search) : string
Filters the search query.
string | $search |
package |
um_filtered_social_link(string $key, null|string $match = null) : string
Show filtered social link
string | $key | |
null|string | $match |
package |
um_filtered_value( $key, bool $data = false) : mixed|string|void
Get filtered meta value after applying hooks
$key | ||
bool | $data |
package |
package |
um_force_utf8_fields(mixed $value, array $data, string $type = '') : mixed
Force fields to use UTF-8 encoding
mixed | $value | |
array | $data | |
string | $type |
package |
um_force_utf8_string(mixed $value) : mixed
Force strings to UTF-8 encoded
mixed | $value |
package |
um_form_notices_additional_tags(array $allowed_html, string $context) : array
Extends allowed tags for displaying UM Form notices.
array | $allowed_html | |
string | $context |
package | |
since | 2.6.4 |
um_form_register_redirect() : mixed
Redirect from default registration to UM registration page
package |
um_get_avatar(string $avatar = '', string $id_or_email = '', string $size = '96', string $avatar_class = '', string $default = '', string $alt = '') : string
Get user UM avatars.
string | $avatar | |
string | $id_or_email | |
string | $size | |
string | $avatar_class | |
string | $default | |
string | $alt |
returns avatar in image html elements
package |
um_get_avatar_uri( $image, string|array $attrs) : bool|string
get avatar uri
$image | ||
string|array | $attrs |
package |
um_get_avatar_url( $get_avatar) : mixed
get avatar URL instead of image
$get_avatar |
package |
um_get_canonical_url(string $canonical_url, \WP_Post $post) : string|bool
Fix SEO canonical for the profile page
string | $canonical_url | The canonical URL. |
\WP_Post | $post | Optional. Post ID or object. Default is global |
The canonical URL, or false if current URL is canonical.
package |
um_get_core_page( $slug, bool $updated = false) : bool|mixed|string|void
Get core page url
$slug | ||
bool | $updated |
package |
um_get_cover_uri( $image, $attrs) : bool|string
get cover uri
$image | ||
$attrs |
package |
package |
um_get_custom_field_array( $array, $fields) : mixed
Validate conditional logic
$array | ||
$fields |
package |
package |
um_get_default_cover_uri() : mixed|string|void
default cover
package |
um_get_display_name( $user_id) : string
Get a user's display name
$user_id |
package |
package |
um_get_form_fields(string|array $array, int $form_id) : array|string
Get form fields
string|array | $array | |
int | $form_id |
package |
um_get_host() : mixed
Get user host
Returns the webhost this site is using if possible
string $host if detected, false otherwise
package | |
since | 1.3.68 |
package |
um_get_metadefault( $id) : string
Get meta option default
$id |
package |
um_get_nav_menu_items( $items, $menu, $args) : mixed
Conditional menu items
$items | ||
$menu | ||
$args |
package |
um_get_option( $option_id) : mixed|string|void
Get option value
Please use UM()->options()->get() instead
$option_id |
package |
um_get_predefined_page_id(string $slug) : bool|int
string | $slug |
package |
um_get_predefined_page_url(string $slug) : bool|string
Get predefined page URL
string | $slug |
package |
um_get_redirect_url(string $key) : string
Set redirect key
string | $key |
package |
um_get_requested_user() : bool|null
Gets the requested user
package |
package |
um_get_search_form() : string
Returns the ultimate member search form
package |
package |
um_get_snippet( $str, int $wordCount = 10) : string
Get limit of words from sentence
$str | ||
int | $wordCount |
package |
um_get_url_for_language( $post_id, $language) : bool|string
Get a translated core page URL
$post_id | ||
$language |
package |
um_get_user_avatar_data( $user_id = '', $size = '96') : bool|string
get user avatar url
$user_id | ||
$size |
package |
um_get_user_avatar_url( $user_id = '', $size = '96') : bool|string
get user avatar url
$user_id | ||
$size |
package |
um_invalid_nonce_redirect_url(string $url) : string
string | $url |
package |
um_is_amp(bool $check_theme_support = true) : bool
Check whether the current page is in AMP mode or not.
We need to check for specific functions, as there is no special AMP header.
bool | $check_theme_support | Whether theme support should be checked. Defaults to true. |
package | |
since | 2.1.11 |
um_is_core_page(string $page) : bool
Check if we are on a UM Core Page or not
Default um core pages slugs 'user', 'login', 'register', 'members', 'logout', 'account', 'password-reset'
string | $page | UM core page slug |
package |
um_is_core_post( $post, $core_page) : bool
$post | ||
$core_page |
package |
package |
um_is_file_owner(string $url, int|null $user_id = null, string|bool $image_path = false) : bool
Check user's file ownership
string | $url | |
int|null | $user_id | |
string|bool | $image_path |
package |
um_is_meta_value_exists(string $key, mixed $value, mixed $return_user_id = false) : int
Check if meta_value exists
string | $key | |
mixed | $value | |
mixed | $return_user_id |
package |
package |
package |
um_is_predefined_page(string $slug, null|int|\WP_Post $post = null) : bool
string | $slug | |
null|int|\WP_Post | $post |
package |
um_is_profile_owner( $user_id = false) : bool
$user_id |
package |
um_is_selected_filter_value(mixed $value) : mixed
Filter profile data value
mixed | $value |
package |
um_is_session_started() : bool
Checks if session has been started
package |
um_is_temp_file(string $filename) : bool
Check if file is temporary
string | $filename |
package |
um_is_temp_image( $url) : bool|string
Check that temp image is valid
$url |
package |
um_is_temp_upload(string $url) : bool|string
Check that temp upload is valid
string | $url |
package |
package |
package |
um_let_to_num(string $v) : int|string
Let To Num
Does Size Conversions
string | $v |
package | |
since | 1.3.68 |
author |
Chris Christoff |
um_logout_user_links( $args) : mixed
Adds main links to a logout widget
$args |
package |
um_lostpassword_url(string $lostpassword_url) : string
Change lost password url in UM Login form
string | $lostpassword_url |
package |
um_mail_content_type( $content_type) : string
$content_type |
package |
um_maybe_flush_users_session_update_user(bool $send, array $user, array $userdata) : bool
Maybe clear all sessions except current after changing email. Because email can be used for login.
Using a proper hook that triggers on email changed action in WordPress native handlers. It starts to work sitewide in UM Account and there wp_update_user with new user_email attribute is used.
bool | $send | Whether to send the email. |
array | $user | The original user array. |
array | $userdata | The updated user array. |
package | |
since | 2.8.7 |
um_maybe_unset_time_limit() : mixed
Maybe set empty time limit
package |
um_md_label_birth_date(string $label, string $key, string $data) : string
Change field label from "Birth Date" to "Age" in the member directory.
string | $label | Field Label. |
string | $key | Field Key. |
string | $data | Field data. |
package |
um_members( $argument) : mixed
Get members to show in directory
$argument |
package |
package |
um_multisite_urls_support( $dir) : string
Support multisite
$dir |
package |
um_option_match_callback_view_field( $value, $data) : string
Pair dropdown/multi-select options from a callback function
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_post_registration_approved_hook(int $user_id) : mixed
Account automatically approved.
int | $user_id |
package |
um_post_registration_checkmail_hook(int $user_id) : mixed
Account needs email validation.
int | $user_id |
package |
um_post_registration_pending_hook(int $user_id) : mixed
Account needs admin review.
int | $user_id |
package |
um_pre_profile_shortcode(array $args) : mixed
Adds profile permissions to view/edit.
array | $args |
package |
um_predefined_page_slug_exists(string $slug) : bool
string | $slug |
package |
um_pretty_number_formatting( $count) : string
Formats numbers nicely
$count |
package |
package |
um_profile_content_main(array $args) : mixed
It renders the content of main profile tab.
array | $args |
package |
um_profile_dynamic_meta_desc() : mixed
The profile page SEO tags
package |
um_profile_field__select_translate(string $value, array $data) : string
Apply textdomain in select/multi-select options
string | $value | |
array | $data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__( $value, $data, string $type = '') : string
Global sanitize
$value | ||
$data | ||
string | $type |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__date(string $value, array $data) : string
Date field.
string | $value | Date string. |
array | $data | Field data. |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__file( $value, $data) : string
File field
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__googlemap( $value, $data) : string
Outputs a google map
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__image( $value, $data) : string
Image field
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__last_login( $value, $data) : string
Last login date
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__oembed(string $value, array $data) : string
Outputs a oEmbed field
string | $value | |
array | $data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__phone( $value, $data) : string
Outputs a phone link
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__soundcloud_track(string $value, array $data) : string
Outputs a SoundCloud track
string | $value | |
array | $data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__spotify( $value, $data) : bool|string
Outputs a spotify iframe
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__textarea( $value, $data) : mixed|string|void
URLs in textarea
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__time( $value, $data) : mixed|string
Time field
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__user_registered( $value, $data) : bool|int|string
User's registration date
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__viber( $value, $data) : int|string
Outputs a viber link
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__vimeo_video( $value, $data) : int|string
Outputs a vimeo video
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__whatsapp( $value, $data) : int|string
Outputs a whatsapp link
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_hook__youtube_video( $value, $data) : bool|string
Outputs a youtube video
$value | ||
$data |
package |
um_profile_field_filter_xss_validation(int|string|array $value, array $data, string $type = '') : int|string
Cleaning on XSS injection.
int|string|array | $value | |
array | $data | |
string | $type |
package |
package |
um_profile_header_cover_area( $args) : mixed
Profile header cover
$args |
package |
package |
um_profile_menu(array $args) : mixed
Display the available profile tabs
array | $args |
package |
um_profile_remove_wpseo() : mixed
Remove Yoast from front end for the Profile page
package | |
since | 2.1.6 |
um_profile_validate_nonce(array $submitted_data) : mixed
Validate nonce when profile form submit.
array | $submitted_data |
package |
um_queried_search_value( $filter, bool $echo = true) : mixed|string
Check value of queried search in text input
$filter | ||
bool | $echo |
package |
package |
um_redirect_home(string $requested_user_id = '', string $is_my_profile = '') : mixed
Exit and redirect to home
string | $requested_user_id | |
string | $is_my_profile |
package |
um_registration_save_files( $user_id, $args, $form_data) : mixed
Saving files to register a new user, if there are fields with files.
$user_id | ||
$args | ||
$form_data |
package |
um_registration_set_profile_full_name( $user_id, $args) : mixed
Update user Full Name
$user_id | ||
$args |
package | |
profile |
name update |
um_remove_option( $option_id) : mixed
Update option value
Please use UM()->options()->remove() instead
$option_id |
package |
um_replace_placeholders() : array
Getting replace placeholders array
package |
package |
um_requesting_password_change() : bool
Check if a legitimate password change request is in action
package |
um_requesting_password_reset() : bool
Check if a legitimate password reset request is in action
package |
um_reset_user() : mixed
Clears the user data. If a user is logged in, the user data will be reset to that user's data
package | |
function |
um_reset_user() |
description |
This function resets the current user. You can use it to reset user data after retrieving the details of a specific user. |
usage |
<?php um_reset_user(); ?> |
um_reset_user_clean() : mixed
Clears the user data. You need to fetch a user manually after using this function.
package | |
function |
um_reset_user_clean() |
description |
This function is similar to um_reset_user() with a difference that it will not use the logged-in user data after resetting. It is a hard-reset function for all user data. |
usage |
<?php um_reset_user_clean(); ?> |
um_restore_default_roles( $user_id, $args, $to_update) : mixed
Leave roles for User, which are not in the list of update profile (are default WP or 3rd plugins roles)
$user_id | ||
$args | ||
$to_update |
package |
um_safe_redirect(string $url) : mixed
UM safe redirect. By default, you can be redirected only to WordPress installation Home URL. Fallback URL is wp-admin URL.
But it can be changed through filters and extended by UM Setting "Allowed hosts for safe redirect (one host per line)" and filter um_wp_safe_redirect_fallback
string | $url | redirect URL. |
package | |
since | 2.6.8 |
package |
um_secure_media_uri(string $url) : string
Set SSL to media URI
string | $url |
package |
um_select_dropdown_dynamic_callback_options( $options, $data) : array
Returns dropdown/multi-select options from a callback function
$options | ||
$data |
package |
um_select_dropdown_dynamic_options_to_utf8(array $options, array $data) : array
Filter select dropdown to use UTF-8 encoding
array | $options | |
array | $data |
package |
um_select_if_in_query_params( $filter, $val) : mixed
Check whether item in dropdown is selected in query-url
$filter | ||
$val |
package |
um_send_registration_notification( $user_id) : mixed
Send notification about registration
$user_id |
package |
um_set_redirect_url(string $url) : string
Set redirect key
string | $url |
package |
um_set_requested_user( $user_id) : mixed
Sets the requested user
$user_id |
package |
um_social_links_icons( $args) : mixed
Show social links as icons below profile name
$args |
package |
um_store_lastlogin_timestamp( $user_id) : mixed
Store last login timestamp
$user_id |
package |
um_store_lastlogin_timestamp_( $login) : mixed
$login |
package |
um_styling_defaults( $mode) : array
Get styling defaults
$mode |
package |
um_submit_account_details( $args) : mixed
Submit account page changes
$args |
package |
um_submit_account_errors_hook(array $args) : mixed
Validate for errors in account form
array | $args |
package |
um_submit_form_data_role_fields(array $post_form, string $mode, array $all_cf_metakeys) : array
Add `role_select` and `role_radio` to the $post_form It is necessary for that if on these fields the conditional logic.
array | $post_form | |
string | $mode | |
array | $all_cf_metakeys |
package |
um_submit_form_data_trim_fields( $post_form) : mixed
Trim All form POST submitted data
$post_form |
package | |
todo |
Maybe deprecate because data is sanitized in earlier code and trim included to |
um_submit_form_errors_hook(array $submitted_data, array $form_data) : mixed
UM login|register|profile form error handling.
array | $submitted_data | |
array | $form_data |
package |
um_submit_form_errors_hook_(array $submitted_data, array $form_data) : mixed
Error processing hook : standard
array | $submitted_data | |
array | $form_data |
package |
um_submit_form_errors_hook__blockedemails( $submitted_data) : mixed
Error handling: blocked emails
$submitted_data |
package |
um_submit_form_errors_hook__blockedips() : mixed
Error handling: blocked IPs.
package |
um_submit_form_errors_hook__blockedwords(array $submitted_data, array $form_data) : mixed
Error handling: blocked words during sign up
array | $submitted_data | |
array | $form_data |
package | |
todo |
change the hook after checking that conditions inside this callback can be run only while registration. |
um_submit_form_errors_hook__registration(array $submitted_data) : mixed
Validate user password field on registration.
array | $submitted_data |
package |
um_submit_form_errors_hook_login( $submitted_data) : mixed
Error processing hook for login.
$submitted_data |
package |
um_submit_form_errors_hook_logincheck(array $submitted_data, array $form_data) : mixed
Login checks through the frontend login
array | $submitted_data | |
array | $form_data |
package |
um_submit_form_login(array $submitted_data, array $form_data) : mixed
Form processing
array | $submitted_data | |
array | $form_data |
package |
um_submit_form_profile(array $args, array $form_data) : mixed
Form processing
array | $args | |
array | $form_data |
package |
um_submit_form_register(array $args, array $form_data) : mixed
Registration form submit handler.
array | $args | |
array | $form_data |
package |
um_submitting_account_page() : bool
boolean for account page editing
package |
um_time_diff( $time1, $time2) : string
Get core page url
$time1 | ||
$time2 |
package |
um_trim_string( $s, int $length = 20) : string
Trim string by char length
$s | ||
int | $length |
package |
um_update_option( $option_id, $value) : mixed
Update option value
Please use UM()->options()->update() instead
$option_id | ||
$value |
package |
um_update_profile_full_name( $user_id, $changes) : mixed
Profile name update
$user_id | ||
$changes |
package |
um_upgrade20beta1_copy_email_template(string $template) : bool
Ajax copy template to the theme
string | $template |
package |
um_upgrade20beta1_email_templates_process() : mixed
Transferring email templates to new logic
package |
um_upgrade20beta1_get_template_file(string $location, string $template_name, bool $html = false) : string
Method returns expected path for template
string | $location | |
string | $template_name | |
bool | $html |
package |
um_upgrade20beta1_insert_content(string $path, string $content) : mixed
Insert email template content to file
string | $path | Filepath |
string | $content | Email template content |
package |
um_upgrade20beta1_template_in_theme(string $template_name, bool $html = false) : bool
Locate a template and return the path for inclusion.
string | $template_name | |
bool | $html |
package |
package |
package |
package |
um_upgrade_content_restriction20beta1() : mixed
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
um_upgrade_update_forum_per_page20beta1() : mixed
package |
package |
um_upgrade_update_products_per_page20beta1() : mixed
package |
um_upgrade_update_users_per_page20beta1() : mixed
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
package |
um_user( $data, null $attrs = null) : int|string|array
$data | ||
null | $attrs |
package |
um_user_edit_profile(array $args, array $form_data) : mixed
Update user's profile (frontend).
array | $args | |
array | $form_data |
package |
um_user_ip() : string
The user's IP address.
package | |
function |
um_user_ip() |
description |
This function returns the IP address of user. |
usage |
<?php $user_ip = um_user_ip(); ?> |
um_user_last_login(int $user_id) : string
Get user's last login (time diff)
int | $user_id |
package |
um_user_last_login_date( $user_id) : string
Get user's last login time
$user_id |
package |
um_user_last_login_timestamp(int $user_id) : int|string
Get user's last login timestamp
int | $user_id |
package |
um_user_login(array $submitted_data) : mixed
Login user process.
array | $submitted_data |
package |
um_user_profile_url(int|bool $user_id = false) : bool|string
Display a link to profile page
int|bool | $user_id |
package |
um_user_submited_display(string $k, string $title, array $data = array(), bool $style = true) : string
Prepare template
string | $k | |
string | $title | |
array | $data | |
bool | $style |
package | |
since | 2.1.4 |
um_user_submitted_registration(bool $style = false) : null|string
Get submitted user information
bool | $style |
package |
um_user_submitted_registration_formatted(bool $style = false) : string
Format submitted data for Info preview & Email template
bool | $style |
package | |
since | 2.1.4 |
package |
package |
um_view_label_birth_date(string $label, string $data) : string
Change field label from "Birth Date" to "Age" in the profile view.
string | $label | Field Label. |
string | $data | Field data. |
package |
um_wp_form_errors_hook_ip_test( $user, $username, $password) : mixed
Check for blocked IPs or Email on wp-login.php form
$user | ||
$username | ||
$password |
package |
um_wp_form_errors_hook_logincheck(\WP_Error|\WP_User $user) : \WP_Error|\WP_User
Login checks through the WordPress admin login.
\WP_Error|\WP_User | $user |
package |
um_wp_safe_redirect_fallback(string $url, string $status) : string
UM fallback redirect URL
string | $url | Fallback URL. |
string | $status | Redirect status. |
package | |
since | 2.6.8 |
um_youtube_id_from_url(string $url) : bool|string
Get YouTube video ID from URL.
string | $url |
package |
wc_get_scheduled_actions(array $args = array(), string $return_format = OBJECT) : array
Find scheduled actions
array | $args | Possible arguments, with their default values: 'hook' => '' - the name of the action that will be triggered 'args' => NULL - the args array that will be passed with the action 'date' => NULL - the scheduled date of the action. Expects a DateTime object, a unix timestamp, or a string that can parsed with strtotime(). Used in UTC timezone. 'date_compare' => '<=' - operator for testing "date". accepted values are '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '=' 'modified' => NULL - the date the action was last updated. Expects a DateTime object, a unix timestamp, or a string that can parsed with strtotime(). Used in UTC timezone. 'modified_compare' => '<=' - operator for testing "modified". accepted values are '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '=' 'group' => '' - the group the action belongs to 'status' => '' - ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_COMPLETE or ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_PENDING 'claimed' => NULL - TRUE to find claimed actions, FALSE to find unclaimed actions, a string to find a specific claim ID 'per_page' => 5 - Number of results to return 'offset' => 0 'orderby' => 'date' - accepted values are 'hook', 'group', 'modified', or 'date' 'order' => 'ASC'. |
string | $return_format | OBJECT, ARRAY_A, or ids. |
package |
ActionScheduler |
wc_next_scheduled_action(string $hook, array $args = null, string $group = '') : int|bool
Get next scheduled action.
string | $hook | Action's hook. |
array | $args | Action's args. |
string | $group | Action's group. |
The timestamp for the next occurrence, or false if nothing was found
package |
ActionScheduler |
wc_schedule_cron_action(int $timestamp, string $schedule, string $hook, array $args = array(), string $group = '') : string
Schedule an action that recurs on a cron-like schedule.
int | $timestamp | The schedule will start on or after this time. |
string | $schedule | A cron-link schedule string. |
string | $hook | The hook to trigger. |
array | $args | Arguments to pass when the hook triggers. |
string | $group | The group to assign this job to. |
The job ID
package |
ActionScheduler |
wc_schedule_recurring_action(int $timestamp, int $interval_in_seconds, string $hook, array $args = array(), string $group = '') : string
Schedule a recurring action.
int | $timestamp | When the first instance of the job will run. |
int | $interval_in_seconds | How long to wait between runs. |
string | $hook | The hook to trigger. |
array | $args | Arguments to pass when the hook triggers. |
string | $group | The group to assign this job to. |
The job ID
package |
ActionScheduler |
wc_schedule_single_action(int $timestamp, string $hook, array $args = array(), string $group = '') : string
Schedule an action to run one time.
int | $timestamp | When the job will run. |
string | $hook | The hook to trigger. |
array | $args | Arguments to pass when the hook triggers. |
string | $group | The group to assign this job to. |
The job ID
package |
ActionScheduler |
wc_unschedule_action(string $hook, array $args = array(), string $group = '') : mixed
Cancel the next occurrence of a job.
string | $hook | The hook that the job will trigger. |
array | $args | Args that would have been passed to the job. |
string | $group | Action's group. |
package |
ActionScheduler |