Source: includes/core/class-account.php

namespace um\core;

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

if ( ! class_exists( 'um\core\Account' ) ) {

	 * Class Account
	 * @package um\core
	class Account {

		 * @var array
		private $account_exist = array();

		 * @var
		public $tabs;

		 * @var string
		public $current_tab = 'general';

		 * @var array
		public $displayed_fields = array();

		 * @var array
		public $tab_output = array();

		 * Account constructor.
		public function __construct() {
			add_shortcode( 'ultimatemember_account', array( &$this, 'ultimatemember_account' ) );
			add_action( 'template_redirect', array( &$this, 'account_page_restrict' ), 10001 );
			add_action( 'template_redirect', array( &$this, 'account_submit' ), 10002 );
			add_filter( 'um_predefined_fields_hook', array( &$this, 'predefined_fields_hook' ), 1 );

		 * Init AllTabs for user account.
		 * @param array $args
		 * @throws \Exception
		public function init_tabs( $args ) {
			$this->tabs = $this->get_tabs();

			ksort( $this->tabs );

			$tabs_structured = array();
			foreach ( $this->tabs as $k => $arr ) {
				foreach ( $arr as $id => $info ) {
					if ( ! empty( $args['tab'] ) && $id !== $args['tab'] ) {

					$output = $this->get_tab_fields( $id, $args );

					if ( ! empty( $output ) ) {
						$tabs_structured[ $id ] = $info;
			$this->tabs = $tabs_structured;

		 * Get all Account tabs.
		 * @return array
		public function get_tabs() {
			$tabs                 = array();
			$tabs[100]['general'] = array(
				'icon'         => 'um-faicon-user',
				'title'        => __( 'Account', 'ultimate-member' ),
				'submit_title' => __( 'Update Account', 'ultimate-member' ),

			$tabs[200]['password'] = array(
				'icon'         => 'um-faicon-asterisk',
				'title'        => __( 'Change Password', 'ultimate-member' ),
				'submit_title' => __( 'Update Password', 'ultimate-member' ),

			$tabs[300]['privacy'] = array(
				'icon'         => 'um-faicon-lock',
				'title'        => __( 'Privacy', 'ultimate-member' ),
				'submit_title' => __( 'Update Privacy', 'ultimate-member' ),

			// Init here, but default account tab content is empty, so it's hidden.
			// Init required here for the using inside the extensions where is possible to disable email notification.
			// Default Ultimate Member core notifications cannot be disabled on the user's side.
			$tabs[400]['notifications'] = array(
				'icon'         => 'um-faicon-envelope',
				'title'        => __( 'Notifications', 'ultimate-member' ),
				'submit_title' => __( 'Update Notifications', 'ultimate-member' ),

			// If user cannot delete profile hide delete tab.
			if ( um_user( 'can_delete_profile' ) || um_user( 'can_delete_everyone' ) ) {
				$tabs[99999]['delete'] = array(
					'icon'         => 'um-faicon-trash-o',
					'title'        => __( 'Delete Account', 'ultimate-member' ),
					'submit_title' => __( 'Delete Account', 'ultimate-member' ),

			 * UM hook
			 * @type filter
			 * @title um_account_page_default_tabs_hook
			 * @description Account Page Tabs
			 * @input_vars
			 * [{"var":"$tabs","type":"array","desc":"Account Page Tabs"}]
			 * @change_log
			 * ["Since: 2.0"]
			 * @usage add_filter( 'um_account_page_default_tabs_hook', 'function_name', 10, 1 );
			 * @example
			 * <?php
			 * add_filter( 'um_account_page_default_tabs_hook', 'my_account_page_default_tabs', 10, 1 );
			 * function my_account_page_default_tabs( $tabs ) {
			 *     // your code here
			 *     return $tabs;
			 * }
			 * ?>
			return apply_filters( 'um_account_page_default_tabs_hook', $tabs );

		 * Account Shortcode
		 * @param array $args
		 * @return false|string
		 * @throws \Exception
		public function ultimatemember_account( $args = array() ) {
			if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
				return '';

			um_fetch_user( get_current_user_id() );

			/** There is possible to use 'shortcode_atts_ultimatemember_account' filter for getting customized $args. This filter is documented in wp-includes/shortcodes.php "shortcode_atts_{$shortcode}" */
			$args = shortcode_atts(
					'template' => 'account',
					'mode'     => 'account',
					'form_id'  => 'um_account_id',
					'tab'      => '',

			 * Filters Account shortcode arguments.
			 * @since 1.3.x
			 * @hook  um_account_shortcode_args_filter
			 * @deprecated 2.6.9
			 * @param {array} $args Shortcode arguments.
			 * @return {array} Shortcode arguments.
			 * @example <caption>Change Account arguments.</caption>
			 * function my_account_shortcode_args( $args ) {
			 *     $args['tab'] = 'password';
			 *     return $args;
			 * }
			 * add_filter( 'um_account_shortcode_args_filter', 'my_account_shortcode_args' );
			$args = apply_filters_deprecated( 'um_account_shortcode_args_filter', array( $args ), '2.6.9', 'shortcode_atts_ultimatemember_account' );

			$account_hash = md5( wp_json_encode( $args ) );

			 * Filters variable for enable singleton shortcode loading on the same page.
			 * Note: Set it to `false` if you don't need to render the same form twice or more on the same page.
			 * @since 2.6.9
			 * @hook  um_ultimatemember_account_shortcode_disable_singleton
			 * @param {bool}  $disable Disabled singleton. By default, it's `true`.
			 * @param {array} $args    Shortcode arguments.
			 * @return {bool} Disabled singleton or not.
			 * @example <caption>Turn off ability to use ultimatemember_account shortcode twice.</caption>
			 * add_filter( 'um_ultimatemember_account_shortcode_disable_singleton', '__return_false' );
			$disable_singleton_shortcode = apply_filters( 'um_ultimatemember_account_shortcode_disable_singleton', true, $args );
			if ( false === $disable_singleton_shortcode && in_array( $account_hash, $this->account_exist, true ) ) {
				return '';


			if ( ! empty( $args['tab'] ) ) {

				if ( 'account' === $args['tab'] ) {
					$args['tab'] = 'general';

				$this->init_tabs( $args );

				$this->current_tab = $args['tab'];

				if ( ! empty( $this->tabs[ $args['tab'] ] ) ) { ?>
					<div class="um um-custom-shortcode-tab">
						<div class="um-form">
							<form method="post" action="">
								 * Fires for render account form hidden fields.
								 * @since 1.3.x
								 * @hook um_account_page_hidden_fields
								 * @param {array} $args Account shortcode arguments.
								 * @example <caption>Make some action before account tab loading.</caption>
								 * function my_account_page_hidden_fields( $args ) {
								 *     // your code here
								 * }
								 * add_action( 'um_account_page_hidden_fields', 'my_account_page_hidden_fields' );
								do_action( 'um_account_page_hidden_fields', $args );

								$this->render_account_tab( $args['tab'], $this->tabs[ $args['tab'] ], $args );
			} else {

				$this->init_tabs( $args );

				 * Filters Account shortcode default tab.
				 * @since 2.0
				 * @hook  um_change_default_tab
				 * @param {string} $tab  Current account tab.
				 * @param {array}  $args Shortcode arguments.
				 * @return {string} Current account tab.
				 * @example <caption>Change Account default tab to Password.</caption>
				 * function my_um_change_default_tab( $tab, $args ) {
				 *     $tab = 'password';
				 *     return $tab;
				 * }
				 * add_filter( 'um_change_default_tab', 'my_um_change_default_tab, 10, 2 );
				$this->current_tab = apply_filters( 'um_change_default_tab', $this->current_tab, $args );

				/** This filter is documented in includes/core/class-shortcodes.php */
				do_action( "um_pre_{$args['mode']}_shortcode", $args );
				/** This filter is documented in includes/core/class-shortcodes.php */
				do_action( 'um_before_form_is_loaded', $args );
				/** This filter is documented in includes/core/class-shortcodes.php */
				do_action( "um_before_{$args['mode']}_form_is_loaded", $args );

				UM()->shortcodes()->template_load( $args['template'], $args );

			if ( ! is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) {
				UM()->shortcodes()->dynamic_css( $args );

			$output = ob_get_clean();


			$this->account_exist[] = $account_hash;

			return $output;

		 *  Update account fields to secure the account submission
		function account_fields_hash() {
			update_user_meta( um_user( 'ID' ), 'um_account_secure_fields', UM()->account()->displayed_fields );

		 * Restrict access to Account page
		public function account_page_restrict() {
			if ( um_is_core_page( 'account' ) ) {

				// Redirect to the login page for not logged-in users.
				if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
					$redirect_to = add_query_arg(
						urlencode_deep( um_get_core_page( 'account' ) ),
						um_get_core_page( 'login' )

					wp_safe_redirect( $redirect_to );

				// Set data for fields.
				UM()->fields()->set_mode    = 'account';
				UM()->fields()->editing     = true;
				UM()->fields()->global_args = array(
					'mode' => 'account',

				if ( get_query_var( 'um_tab' ) ) {
					$this->current_tab = get_query_var( 'um_tab' );

		 * Process the submission of account details
		public function account_submit() {
			if ( ! um_submitting_account_page() ) {

			$formdata = wp_unslash( $_POST );

			// Don't un-slash passwords in manner of WordPress native password field.
			$fields_map = array(
			$formdata   = UM()->form()::ignore_formdata_unslash( $formdata, $fields_map );

			UM()->form()->post_form = $formdata;

			 * UM hook
			 * @type action
			 * @title um_submit_account_errors_hook
			 * @description Validate process on account submit
			 * @input_vars
			 * [{"var":"$submitted","type":"array","desc":"Account Page Submitted data"}]
			 * @change_log
			 * ["Since: 2.0"]
			 * @usage add_action( 'um_submit_account_errors_hook', 'function_name', 10, 1 );
			 * @example
			 * <?php
			 * add_action( 'um_submit_account_errors_hook', 'my_submit_account_errors', 10, 1 );
			 * function my_submit_account_errors( $submitted ) {
			 *     // your code here
			 * }
			 * ?>
			do_action( 'um_submit_account_errors_hook', UM()->form()->post_form );

			if ( um_is_core_page( 'account' ) && get_query_var( 'um_tab' ) ) {
				$this->current_tab = get_query_var( 'um_tab' );
			} else {
				$this->current_tab = UM()->form()->post_form['_um_account_tab'];

			$this->current_tab = sanitize_key( $this->current_tab );

			if ( ! isset( UM()->form()->errors ) ) {
				 * UM hook
				 * @type action
				 * @title um_submit_account_details
				 * @description On success account submit
				 * @input_vars
				 * [{"var":"$submitted","type":"array","desc":"Account Page Submitted data"}]
				 * @change_log
				 * ["Since: 2.0"]
				 * @usage add_action( 'um_submit_account_details', 'function_name', 10, 1 );
				 * @example
				 * <?php
				 * add_action( 'um_submit_account_details', 'my_submit_account_details', 10, 1 );
				 * function my_submit_account_details( $submitted ) {
				 *     // your code here
				 * }
				 * ?>
				do_action( 'um_submit_account_details', UM()->form()->post_form );

			} elseif ( UM()->form()->has_error( 'um_account_security' ) ) {
				$url = '';
				if ( um_is_core_page( 'account' ) ) {

					$url = UM()->account()->tab_link( $this->current_tab );

					$url = add_query_arg( 'err', 'account', $url );

					if ( function_exists( 'icl_get_current_language' ) ) {
						if ( icl_get_current_language() != icl_get_default_language() ) {
							$url = UM()->permalinks()->get_current_url( true );
							$url = add_query_arg( 'err', 'account', $url );

							exit( wp_redirect( $url ) );

				exit( wp_redirect( $url ) );

		 * Filter account fields
		 * @param  array $predefined_fields
		 * @return array
		function predefined_fields_hook( $predefined_fields ) {
			$account_hide_in_directory =  UM()->options()->get( 'account_hide_in_directory' );

			$account_hide_in_directory = apply_filters( 'um_account_hide_in_members_visibility', $account_hide_in_directory );

			if ( ! $account_hide_in_directory ) {
				unset( $predefined_fields['hide_in_members'] );

			return $predefined_fields;

		 * Get Tab Link
		 * @param  integer $id
		 * @return string
		function tab_link( $id ) {

			if ( UM()->is_permalinks ) {

				$url = trailingslashit( untrailingslashit( um_get_core_page( 'account' ) ) );
				$url = $url . $id . '/';

			} else {

				$url = add_query_arg( 'um_tab', $id, um_get_core_page( 'account' ) );


			return $url;

		 * @param $fields
		 * @param $shortcode_args
		 * @return mixed
		function filter_fields_by_attrs( $fields, $shortcode_args ) {
			foreach ( $fields as $k => $field ) {
				if ( isset( $shortcode_args[ $field['metakey'] ] ) && 0 == $shortcode_args[ $field['metakey'] ] ) {
					unset( $fields[ $k ] );

			return $fields;

		 * Init displayed fields for security check
		 * @param $fields
		 * @param $tab_key
		function init_displayed_fields( $fields, $tab_key ) {
			if ( ! $this->is_secure_enabled() ) {

			if ( ! isset( $this->displayed_fields[ $tab_key ] ) ) {
				$this->displayed_fields[ $tab_key ] = array_keys( $fields );
			} else {
				$this->displayed_fields[ $tab_key ] = array_merge( $this->displayed_fields[ $tab_key ], array_keys( $fields ) );
				$this->displayed_fields[ $tab_key ] = array_unique( $this->displayed_fields[ $tab_key ] );

		 * @param $field_key
		 * @param $tab_key
		function add_displayed_field( $field_key, $tab_key ) {
			if ( ! $this->is_secure_enabled() ) {

			if ( ! isset( $this->displayed_fields[ $tab_key ] ) ) {
				$this->displayed_fields[ $tab_key ] = array( $field_key );
			} else {
				$this->displayed_fields[ $tab_key ][] = $field_key;

		 * @return bool
		function is_secure_enabled() {
			 * UM hook
			 * @type filter
			 * @title um_account_secure_fields__enabled
			 * @description Active account secure fields
			 * @input_vars
			 * [{"var":"$enabled","type":"string","desc":"Enable secure account fields"}]
			 * @change_log
			 * ["Since: 2.0"]
			 * @usage
			 * <?php add_filter( 'um_account_secure_fields__enabled', 'function_name', 10, 1 ); ?>
			 * @example
			 * <?php
			 * add_filter( 'um_account_secure_fields__enabled', 'my_account_secure_fields', 10, 1 );
			 * function my_account_secure_fields( $enabled ) {
			 *     // your code here
			 *     return $enabled;
			 * }
			 * ?>
			$secure = apply_filters( 'um_account_secure_fields__enabled', true );

			return $secure;

		 * Get Tab Output
		 * @param $id
		 * @param $shortcode_args
		 * @return mixed|string|null
		 * @throws \Exception
		function get_tab_fields( $id, $shortcode_args ) {
			$output = null;

			UM()->fields()->set_id   = absint( $id );
			UM()->fields()->set_mode = 'account';
			UM()->fields()->editing  = true;

			if ( ! empty( $this->tab_output[ $id ]['content'] ) && ! empty( $this->tab_output[ $id ]['hash'] ) &&
			     $this->tab_output[ $id ]['hash'] == md5( json_encode( $shortcode_args ) ) ) {
				return $this->tab_output[ $id ]['content'];

			switch ( $id ) {

				case 'privacy':

					$args = 'profile_privacy,profile_noindex,hide_in_members,um_show_last_login';
					 * UM hook
					 * @type filter
					 * @title um_account_tab_privacy_fields
					 * @description Extend Account Tab Privacy
					 * @input_vars
					 * [{"var":"$args","type":"array","desc":"Account Arguments"},
					 * {"var":"$shortcode_args","type":"array","desc":"Account Shortcode Arguments"}]
					 * @change_log
					 * ["Since: 2.0"]
					 * @usage add_filter( 'um_account_tab_privacy_fields', 'function_name', 10, 2 );
					 * @example
					 * <?php
					 * add_filter( 'um_account_tab_privacy_fields', 'my_account_tab_privacy_fields', 10, 2 );
					 * function my_account_tab_privacy_fields( $args, $shortcode_args ) {
					 *     // your code here
					 *     return $args;
					 * }
					 * ?>
					$args = apply_filters( 'um_account_tab_privacy_fields', $args, $shortcode_args );

					$fields = UM()->builtin()->get_specific_fields( $args );
					$fields = $this->filter_fields_by_attrs( $fields, $shortcode_args );

					$this->init_displayed_fields( $fields, $id );

					foreach ( $fields as $key => $data ) {
						if ( ! empty( $shortcode_args['is_block'] ) ) {
							$data['is_block'] = true;
						$output .= UM()->fields()->edit_field( $key, $data );

				case 'delete':

					$args = '';
					if ( $this->current_password_is_required( $id ) ) {
						$args = 'single_user_password';

					 * UM hook
					 * @type filter
					 * @title um_account_tab_delete_fields
					 * @description Extend Account Tab Delete
					 * @input_vars
					 * [{"var":"$args","type":"array","desc":"Account Arguments"},
					 * {"var":"$shortcode_args","type":"array","desc":"Account Shortcode Arguments"}]
					 * @change_log
					 * ["Since: 2.0"]
					 * @usage add_filter( 'um_account_tab_delete_fields', 'function_name', 10, 2 );
					 * @example
					 * <?php
					 * add_filter( 'um_account_tab_delete_fields', 'my_account_tab_delete_fields', 10, 2 );
					 * function my_account_tab_delete_fields( $args, $shortcode_args ) {
					 *     // your code here
					 *     return $args;
					 * }
					 * ?>
					$args = apply_filters( 'um_account_tab_delete_fields', $args, $shortcode_args );

					$fields = UM()->builtin()->get_specific_fields( $args );
					$fields = $this->filter_fields_by_attrs( $fields, $shortcode_args );

					$this->init_displayed_fields( $fields, $id );

					foreach ( $fields as $key => $data ) {
						if ( ! empty( $shortcode_args['is_block'] ) ) {
							$data['is_block'] = true;
						$output .= UM()->fields()->edit_field( $key, $data );

					if ( ! $output && ! $this->current_password_is_required( $id ) ) {
						$output = '<div></div>';


				case 'general':

					$args = 'user_login,first_name,last_name,user_email';

					if ( ! UM()->options()->get( 'account_name' ) ) {
						$args = 'user_login,user_email';

					if ( ! UM()->options()->get( 'account_email' ) && ! um_user( 'can_edit_everyone' ) ) {
						$args = str_replace(',user_email','', $args );

					if ( $this->current_password_is_required( $id ) ) {
						$args .= ',single_user_password';

					 * UM hook
					 * @type filter
					 * @title um_account_tab_general_fields
					 * @description Extend Account Tab General
					 * @input_vars
					 * [{"var":"$args","type":"array","desc":"Account Arguments"},
					 * {"var":"$shortcode_args","type":"array","desc":"Account Shortcode Arguments"}]
					 * @change_log
					 * ["Since: 2.0"]
					 * @usage add_filter( 'um_account_tab_general_fields', 'function_name', 10, 2 );
					 * @example
					 * <?php
					 * add_filter( 'um_account_tab_general_fields', 'my_account_tab_general_fields', 10, 2 );
					 * function my_account_tab_general_fields( $args, $shortcode_args ) {
					 *     // your code here
					 *     return $args;
					 * }
					 * ?>
					$args = apply_filters( 'um_account_tab_general_fields', $args, $shortcode_args );

					$fields = UM()->builtin()->get_specific_fields( $args );
					$fields = $this->filter_fields_by_attrs( $fields, $shortcode_args );

					$this->init_displayed_fields( $fields, $id );

					foreach ( $fields as $key => $data ) {
						if ( ! empty( $shortcode_args['is_block'] ) ) {
							$data['is_block'] = true;
						$output .= UM()->fields()->edit_field( $key, $data );


				case 'password':

					$args = 'user_password';

					 * UM hook
					 * @type filter
					 * @title um_account_tab_password_fields
					 * @description Extend Account Tab Password
					 * @input_vars
					 * [{"var":"$args","type":"array","desc":"Account Arguments"},
					 * {"var":"$shortcode_args","type":"array","desc":"Account Shortcode Arguments"}]
					 * @change_log
					 * ["Since: 2.0"]
					 * @usage add_filter( 'um_account_tab_password_fields', 'function_name', 10, 2 );
					 * @example
					 * <?php
					 * add_filter( 'um_account_tab_password_fields', 'my_account_tab_password_fields', 10, 2 );
					 * function my_account_tab_password_fields( $args, $shortcode_args ) {
					 *     // your code here
					 *     return $args;
					 * }
					 * ?>
					$args = apply_filters( 'um_account_tab_password_fields', $args, $shortcode_args );

					$fields = UM()->builtin()->get_specific_fields( $args );
					$fields = $this->filter_fields_by_attrs( $fields, $shortcode_args );

					$this->init_displayed_fields( $fields, $id );

					foreach ( $fields as $key => $data ) {
						if ( ! empty( $shortcode_args['is_block'] ) ) {
							$data['is_block'] = true;
						$output .= UM()->fields()->edit_field( $key, $data );


				default :

					 * UM hook
					 * @type filter
					 * @title um_account_content_hook_{$id}
					 * @description Change not default Account tabs content
					 * @input_vars
					 * [{"var":"$output","type":"string","desc":"Account Tab Output"},
					 * {"var":"$shortcode_args","type":"array","desc":"Account Shortcode Arguments"}]
					 * @change_log
					 * ["Since: 2.0"]
					 * @usage add_filter( 'um_account_content_hook_{$id}', 'function_name', 10, 2 );
					 * @example
					 * <?php
					 * add_filter( 'um_account_content_hook_{$id}', 'my_account_content', 10, 2 );
					 * function my_account_tab_password_fields( $args, $shortcode_args ) {
					 *     // your code here
					 *     return $args;
					 * }
					 * ?>
					$output = apply_filters( "um_account_content_hook_{$id}", $output, $shortcode_args );

			$this->tab_output[ $id ] = array( 'content' => $output, 'hash' => md5( json_encode( $shortcode_args ) ) );
			return $output;

		 * Render Account Tab HTML
		 * @param $tab_id
		 * @param $tab_data
		 * @param $args
		 * @throws \Exception
		function render_account_tab( $tab_id, $tab_data, $args ) {

			$output = $this->get_tab_fields( $tab_id, $args );

			if ( $output ) {

				if ( ! empty ( $tab_data['with_header'] ) ) { ?>

					<div class="um-account-heading uimob340-hide uimob500-hide"><i class="<?php echo esc_attr( $tab_data['icon'] ) ?>"></i><?php echo esc_html( $tab_data['title'] ); ?></div>

				<?php }

				 * UM hook
				 * @type action
				 * @title um_before_account_{$tab_id}
				 * @description Make some action before show account tab
				 * @input_vars
				 * [{"var":"$args","type":"array","desc":"Account Page Arguments"}]
				 * @change_log
				 * ["Since: 2.0"]
				 * @usage add_action( 'um_before_account_{$tab_id}', 'function_name', 10, 1 );
				 * @example
				 * <?php
				 * add_action( 'um_before_account_{$tab_id}', 'my_before_account_tab', 10, 1 );
				 * function my_before_account_tab( $args ) {
				 *     // your code here
				 * }
				 * ?>
				do_action( "um_before_account_{$tab_id}", $args );

				echo $output;

				 * UM hook
				 * @type action
				 * @title um_after_account_{$tab_id}
				 * @description Make some action after show account tab
				 * @input_vars
				 * [{"var":"$args","type":"array","desc":"Account Page Arguments"}]
				 * @change_log
				 * ["Since: 2.0"]
				 * @usage add_action( 'um_after_account_{$tab_id}', 'function_name', 10, 1 );
				 * @example
				 * <?php
				 * add_action( 'um_after_account_{$tab_id}', 'my_after_account_tab', 10, 1 );
				 * function my_after_account_tab( $args ) {
				 *     // your code here
				 * }
				 * ?>
				do_action( "um_after_account_{$tab_id}", $args );

				if ( ! isset( $tab_data['show_button'] ) || false !== $tab_data['show_button'] ) { ?>

					<div class="um-col-alt um-col-alt-b">
						<div class="um-left">
							<?php $submit_title = ! empty( $tab_data['submit_title'] ) ? $tab_data['submit_title'] : $tab_data['title']; ?>
							<input type="hidden" name="um_account_nonce_<?php echo esc_attr( $tab_id ) ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( wp_create_nonce( 'um_update_account_' . $tab_id ) ) ?>" />
							<input type="submit" name="um_account_submit" id="um_account_submit_<?php echo esc_attr( $tab_id ) ?>"  class="um-button" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $submit_title ) ?>" />

						 * UM hook
						 * @type action
						 * @title um_after_account_{$tab_id}_button
						 * @description Make some action after show account tab button
						 * @change_log
						 * ["Since: 2.0"]
						 * @usage add_action( 'um_after_account_{$tab_id}_button', 'function_name', 10 );
						 * @example
						 * <?php
						 * add_action( 'um_after_account_{$tab_id}_button', 'my_after_account_tab_button', 10 );
						 * function my_after_account_tab_button() {
						 *     // your code here
						 * }
						 * ?>
						do_action( "um_after_account_{$tab_id}_button" ); ?>

						<div class="um-clear"></div>

				<?php }

		 * Add class based on shortcode
		 * @param  string $mode
		 * @return string
		function get_class( $mode ) {

			$classes = 'um-'.$mode;

			if ( is_admin() ) {
				$classes .= ' um-in-admin';

			if ( true === UM()->fields()->editing ) {
				$classes .= ' um-editing';

			if ( true === UM()->fields()->viewing ) {
				$classes .= ' um-viewing';

			 * UM hook
			 * @type filter
			 * @title um_form_official_classes__hook
			 * @description Change not default Account tabs content
			 * @input_vars
			 * [{"var":"$classes","type":"string","desc":"Form Classes"}]
			 * @change_log
			 * ["Since: 2.0"]
			 * @usage add_filter( 'um_form_official_classes__hook', 'function_name', 10, 1 );
			 * @example
			 * <?php
			 * add_filter( 'um_form_official_classes__hook', 'my_form_official_classes', 10, 1 );
			 * function my_form_official_classes( $classes ) {
			 *     // your code here
			 *     return $classes;
			 * }
			 * ?>
			$classes = apply_filters( 'um_form_official_classes__hook', $classes );
			return $classes;

		 * Checks account actions require current password.
		 * @param string $tab_key
		 * @return bool
		public function current_password_is_required( $tab_key ) {
			$is_required = true;

			switch ( $tab_key ) {
				case 'general':
					$is_required = UM()->options()->get( 'account_general_password' );
				case 'delete':
				case 'password':
				case 'privacy_erase_data':
				case 'privacy_download_data':

			return apply_filters( "um_account_{$tab_key}_require_current", $is_required );

		 * Check the conditional hook for getting notifications tab data.
		 * @return bool
		public function is_notifications_tab_visible() {
			return apply_filters( 'um_account_notifications_tab_enabled', false );