if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
if ( ! class_exists( 'JB_Functions' ) ) {
* Class JB_Functions
class JB_Functions {
* @var string
* @since 1.0
public $templates_path;
* @var string
* @since 1.0
public $theme_templates;
* @var bool CPU Links Structure
* @since 1.0
public $is_permalinks;
* @var string Standard or Minified versions
* @since 1.0
public $scrips_prefix = '';
* What type of request is this?
* @param string $type String containing name of request type (ajax, frontend, cron or admin)
* @return bool
* @since 1.0
public function is_request( $type ) {
switch ( $type ) {
case 'admin':
return is_admin();
case 'ajax':
return defined( 'DOING_AJAX' );
case 'cron':
return defined( 'DOING_CRON' );
case 'frontend':
return ( ! is_admin() || defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) && ! defined( 'DOING_CRON' );
return false;
* Define constant if not already set.
* @since 1.1.1
* @access protected
* @param string $name Constant name.
* @param string|bool $value Constant value.
protected function define( $name, $value ) {
if ( ! defined( $name ) ) {
define( $name, $value );
* Forms labels helptips
* @param string $tip
* @return false|string
* @since 1.0
public function helptip( $tip ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'jb-helptip' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'jb-helptip' );
<span class="jb-helptip dashicons dashicons-editor-help" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $tip ); ?>"></span>
return ob_get_clean();
* @param string $context
* @return array
public function get_allowed_html( $context = '' ) {
switch ( $context ) {
case 'wp-admin':
$allowed_html = array(
'img' => array(
'alt' => true,
'align' => true,
'border' => true,
'height' => true,
'hspace' => true,
'loading' => true,
'longdesc' => true,
'vspace' => true,
'src' => true,
'srcset' => true,
'usemap' => true,
'width' => true,
'ul' => array(),
'li' => array(),
'h1' => array(
'align' => true,
'h2' => array(
'align' => true,
'h3' => array(
'align' => true,
'p' => array(
'align' => true,
'dir' => true,
'lang' => true,
'form' => array(
'action' => true,
'accept' => true,
'accept-charset' => true,
'enctype' => true,
'method' => true,
'name' => true,
'target' => true,
'label' => array(
'for' => true,
'select' => array(
'name' => true,
'multiple' => true,
'disabled' => true,
'readonly' => true,
'required' => true,
'autocomplete' => true,
'option' => array(
'value' => true,
'selected' => true,
'disabled' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => true,
'name' => true,
'value' => true,
'placeholder' => true,
'readonly' => true,
'disabled' => true,
'checked' => true,
'selected' => true,
'required' => true,
'autocomplete' => true,
'min' => true,
'max' => true,
'step' => true,
'textarea' => array(
'cols' => true,
'rows' => true,
'disabled' => true,
'name' => true,
'readonly' => true,
'required' => true,
'autocomplete' => true,
'table' => array(
'align' => true,
'bgcolor' => true,
'border' => true,
'cellpadding' => true,
'cellspacing' => true,
'dir' => true,
'rules' => true,
'summary' => true,
'width' => true,
'tbody' => array(
'align' => true,
'char' => true,
'charoff' => true,
'valign' => true,
'td' => array(
'abbr' => true,
'align' => true,
'axis' => true,
'bgcolor' => true,
'char' => true,
'charoff' => true,
'colspan' => true,
'dir' => true,
'headers' => true,
'height' => true,
'nowrap' => true,
'rowspan' => true,
'scope' => true,
'valign' => true,
'width' => true,
'tfoot' => array(
'align' => true,
'char' => true,
'charoff' => true,
'valign' => true,
'th' => array(
'abbr' => true,
'align' => true,
'axis' => true,
'bgcolor' => true,
'char' => true,
'charoff' => true,
'colspan' => true,
'headers' => true,
'height' => true,
'nowrap' => true,
'rowspan' => true,
'scope' => true,
'valign' => true,
'width' => true,
'thead' => array(
'align' => true,
'char' => true,
'charoff' => true,
'valign' => true,
'tr' => array(
'align' => true,
'bgcolor' => true,
'char' => true,
'charoff' => true,
'valign' => true,
'button' => array(
'type' => true,
case 'templates':
$allowed_html = array(
'style' => array(),
'link' => array(
'rel' => true,
'href' => true,
'media' => true,
'form' => array(
'action' => true,
'accept' => true,
'accept-charset' => true,
'enctype' => true,
'method' => true,
'name' => true,
'target' => true,
'label' => array(
'for' => true,
'select' => array(
'name' => true,
'multiple' => true,
'disabled' => true,
'readonly' => true,
'required' => true,
'autocomplete' => true,
'option' => array(
'value' => true,
'selected' => true,
'disabled' => true,
'input' => array(
'type' => true,
'name' => true,
'value' => true,
'placeholder' => true,
'readonly' => true,
'disabled' => true,
'checked' => true,
'selected' => true,
'required' => true,
'autocomplete' => true,
'size' => true,
'min' => true,
'max' => true,
'step' => true,
'textarea' => array(
'cols' => true,
'rows' => true,
'disabled' => true,
'name' => true,
'readonly' => true,
'required' => true,
'autocomplete' => true,
'placeholder' => true,
'img' => array(
'alt' => true,
'align' => true,
'border' => true,
'height' => true,
'hspace' => true,
'loading' => true,
'longdesc' => true,
'vspace' => true,
'src' => true,
'srcset' => true,
'usemap' => true,
'width' => true,
'h1' => array(
'align' => true,
'h2' => array(
'align' => true,
'h3' => array(
'align' => true,
'p' => array(
'align' => true,
'dir' => true,
'lang' => true,
'ul' => array(),
'li' => array(),
'time' => array(
'datetime' => true,
case 'admin_notice':
$allowed_html = array(
'p' => array(
'align' => true,
'dir' => true,
'lang' => true,
'label' => array(
'for' => true,
$allowed_html = array();
$global_allowed = array(
'a' => array(
'href' => array(),
'rel' => true,
'rev' => true,
'name' => true,
'target' => true,
'download' => array(
'valueless' => 'y',
'em' => array(),
'i' => array(),
'q' => array(
'cite' => true,
's' => array(),
'strike' => array(),
'strong' => array(),
'br' => array(),
'div' => array(
'align' => true,
'dir' => true,
'lang' => true,
'span' => array(
'dir' => true,
'align' => true,
'lang' => true,
'code' => array(),
$allowed_html = array_merge_recursive( $global_allowed, $allowed_html );
$allowed_html = array_map( '_wp_add_global_attributes', $allowed_html );
* Filters the allowed HTML tags and their attributes in the late escaping before echo.
* Note: Please use the `wp_kses()` allowed tags structure.
* @since 1.1.0
* @hook jb_late_escaping_allowed_tags
* @param {array} $allowed_html Allowed HTML tags with attributes.
* @param {string} $context Function context 'wp-admin' for Admin Dashboard echo, 'templates' for the frontend.
* @return {array} Allowed HTML tags with attributes.
return apply_filters( 'jb_late_escaping_allowed_tags', $allowed_html, $context );
* Disable page caching and set or clear cookie
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @param int $expire
* @param string $path
* @since 1.0
public function setcookie( $name, $value = '', $expire = 0, $path = '' ) {
if ( empty( $value ) ) {
$expire = time() - YEAR_IN_SECONDS;
if ( empty( $path ) && isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) {
list( $path ) = explode( '?', wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- REQUEST_URI ok
$levels = ob_get_level();
for ( $i = 0; $i < $levels; $i++ ) {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged
setcookie( $name, $value, $expire, $path, COOKIE_DOMAIN, is_ssl(), true );
* Get the current URL anywhere.
* @param bool $no_query_params
* @return mixed|void
public function get_current_url( $no_query_params = false ) {
//use WP native function for fill $_SERVER variables by correct values
$host = isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ? wp_unslash( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) : 'localhost'; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- HTTP_HOST ok
$url = ( is_ssl() ? 'https://' : 'http://' ) . $host;
$url .= ! empty( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ? wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) : ''; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- REQUEST_URI ok
if ( true === $no_query_params ) {
$url = strtok( $url, '?' );
* Filters the current URL.
* @since 1.2.6
* @hook jb_get_current_url
* @param {string} $url Current URL.
* @param {bool} $no_query_params Set to `true` if needed clear URL without $_GET attributes. It's `false` by default.
* @return {string} Filtered current URL.
return apply_filters( 'jb_get_current_url', $url, $no_query_params );
* Easy merge arrays based on parent array key. Insert after selected key
* @since 1.1.1
* @param array $haystack
* @param string $key
* @param array $insert_array
* @return array
public function array_insert_after( $haystack, $key, $insert_array ) {
$index = array_search( $key, array_keys( $haystack ), true );
if ( false === $index ) {
return $haystack;
return array_slice( $haystack, 0, $index + 1, true ) + $insert_array + array_slice( $haystack, $index + 1, count( $haystack ) - 1, true );
* Get the template path inside theme or custom path
* @since 1.1.1
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @access public
* @param string $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @return string
public function template_path( $module = '' ) {
$path = 'jobboardwp/';
if ( ! empty( $module ) ) {
$path .= "$module/";
* Filters the template path inside theme or custom path.
* @since 1.1.1
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @hook jb_template_path
* @param {string} $path JobBoardWP templates' path.
* @param {string} $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @return {string} JobBoardWP templates' path.
return apply_filters( 'jb_template_path', $path, $module );
* Get the default template path inside wp-content/plugins/
* @since 1.1.0
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @access public
* @param string $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @return string
public function default_templates_path( $module = '' ) {
$path = untrailingslashit( JB_PATH ) . '/templates/';
if ( ! empty( $module ) ) {
$module_data = JB()->modules()->get_data( $module );
$path = untrailingslashit( $module_data['path'] ) . '/templates/';
* Filters the default template path inside `wp-content/plugins/`.
* @since 1.1.0
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @hook jb_default_template_path
* @param {string} $path JobBoardWP default templates' path.
* @param {string} $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @return {string} JobBoardWP default templates' path.
return apply_filters( 'jb_default_template_path', $path, $module );
* Get JobBoardWP custom templates (e.g. jobs list) passing attributes and including the file.
* @since 1.1.0
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @param string $template_name Template name.
* @param array $args Arguments. (default: array).
* @param string $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @param string $template_path Template path. (default: '').
* @param string $default_path Default path. (default: '').
public function get_template_part( $template_name, $args = array(), $module = '', $template_path = '', $default_path = '' ) {
* Fires just before the algorithm for getting JobBoardWP custom templates.
* Note: Allow 3rd party plugins or modules filter template file, arguments, module name from their side.
* @since 1.2.2
* @hook jb_change_template_part
* @param {string} $template_name Template name passed by reference.
* @param {array} $args Arguments passed for the template by reference.
* @param {string} $module Module slug passed by reference. (default: '').
* @param {string} $template_path Template path passed by reference. (default: '').
* @param {string} $default_path Default path passed by reference. (default: '').
do_action_ref_array( 'jb_change_template_part', array( &$template_name, &$args, &$module, &$template_path, &$default_path ) );
if ( empty( $template_name ) ) {
$template = $this->locate_template( $template_name, $module, $template_path, $default_path );
* Filters the template location.
* Note: Allow 3rd party plugin filter template file from their plugin.
* @since 1.1.1
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @hook jb_get_template
* @param {string} $template Predefined template location. That has been found via the `JB()->locate_template()` function.
* @param {string} $template_name Template name.
* @param {array} $args Arguments passed for the template.
* @param {string} $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @param {string} $template_path Template path. (default: '').
* @param {string} $default_path Default path. (default: '').
* @return {string} Maybe a custom location for the $template_name.
$filter_template = apply_filters( 'jb_get_template', $template, $template_name, $args, $module, $template_path, $default_path );
if ( $filter_template !== $template ) {
if ( ! file_exists( $filter_template ) ) {
/* translators: %s template */
_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, wp_kses( sprintf( __( '<code>%s</code> does not exist.', 'jobboardwp' ), $filter_template ), $this->get_allowed_html( 'templates' ) ), esc_html( JB_VERSION ) );
$template = $filter_template;
$action_args = array(
'template_name' => $template_name,
'template_path' => $template_path,
'located' => $template,
'args' => $args,
'module' => $module,
$query_title = str_replace( '-', '_', sanitize_title( $template_name ) );
$args[ 'jb_' . $query_title ] = $action_args['args'];
if ( ! empty( $args ) && is_array( $args ) ) {
if ( isset( $args['action_args'] ) ) {
_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, esc_html__( '`action_args` should not be overwritten when calling `jb_get_template()`.', 'jobboardwp' ), esc_html( JB_VERSION ) );
unset( $args['action_args'] );
extract( $args, EXTR_SKIP ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
* Fires before the content of the template is displayed.
* @since 1.1.0
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @hook jb_before_template_part
* @param {string} $template_name Template name. E.g. 'job/info' or 'job-categories', etc. See templates folder and see more keys
* @param {string} $located The path to the template from which it will be displayed. Can be default or placed in theme.
* @param {string} $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @param {array} $args Arguments passed into template.
* @param {string} $template_path The path to template. Can be custom for 3rd-party integrations. (default: '').
do_action( 'jb_before_template_part', $action_args['template_name'], $action_args['located'], $action_args['module'], $action_args['args'], $action_args['template_path'] );
include $action_args['located'];
* Fires after the content of the template is displayed.
* @since 1.1.0
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @hook jb_after_template_part
* @param {string} $template_name Template name. E.g. 'job/info' or 'job-categories', etc. See templates folder and see more keys
* @param {string} $located The path to the template from which it will be displayed. Can be default or placed in theme.
* @param {string} $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @param {array} $args Arguments passed into template.
* @param {string} $template_path The path to template. Can be custom for 3rd-party integrations. (default: '').
do_action( 'jb_after_template_part', $action_args['template_name'], $action_args['located'], $action_args['module'], $action_args['args'], $action_args['template_path'] );
* Like get_template, but returns the HTML instead of outputting.
* @see get_template
* @since 1.1.1
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @param string $template_name Template name.
* @param array $args Arguments. (default: array).
* @param string $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @param string $template_path Template path. (default: '').
* @param string $default_path Default path. (default: '').
* @return string
public function get_template_html( $template_name, $args = array(), $module = '', $template_path = '', $default_path = '' ) {
$this->get_template_part( $template_name, $args, $module, $template_path, $default_path );
return ob_get_clean();
* Locate a template and return the path for inclusion.
* This is the load order:
* yourtheme/$blog_id/$locale/$template_path/$template_name
* yourtheme/$blog_id/$template_path/$template_name
* yourtheme/$locale/$template_path/$template_name
* yourtheme/$template_path/$template_name
* $default_path/$template_name
* where $locale is site_locale for regular templates, but $user_locale for email templates
* @since 1.1.1
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @param string $template_name Template name.
* @param string $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @param string $template_path Template path. (default: '').
* @param string $default_path Default path. (default: '').
* @return string
public function locate_template( $template_name, $module = '', $template_path = '', $default_path = '' ) {
$template_name .= '.php';
// path in theme
if ( ! $template_path ) {
$template_path = $this->template_path( $module );
$template_locations = array(
trailingslashit( $template_path ) . $template_name,
* Filters the template locations array for WP native `locate_template()` function.
* Note: Handle locations array before multisite's blog ID path will be added. JobBoardWP uses this hook for integration with multilingual plugins.
* @since 1.1.1
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @hook jb_pre_template_locations
* @param {array} $template_locations Template locations array for WP native `locate_template()` function.
* @param {string} $template_name Template name.
* @param {string} $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @param {string} $template_path Template path. (default: '').
* @return {array} An array for WP native `locate_template()` function with paths where we need to search for the $template_name.
$template_locations = apply_filters( 'jb_pre_template_locations', $template_locations, $template_name, $module, $template_path );
// build multisite blog_ids priority paths
if ( is_multisite() ) {
$blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
$ms_template_locations = array_map(
static function ( $item ) use ( $template_path, $blog_id ) {
return str_replace( trailingslashit( $template_path ), trailingslashit( $template_path ) . $blog_id . '/', $item );
$template_locations = array_merge( $ms_template_locations, $template_locations );
* Filters the template locations array for WP native `locate_template()` function.
* Note: Final chance for getting customized the templates locations array.
* @since 1.1.1
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @hook jb_template_locations
* @param {array} $template_locations Template locations array for WP native `locate_template()` function.
* @param {string} $template_name Template name.
* @param {string} $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @param {string} $template_path Template path. (default: '').
* @return {array} An array for WP native `locate_template()` function with paths where we need to search for the $template_name.
$template_locations = apply_filters( 'jb_template_locations', $template_locations, $template_name, $module, $template_path );
$template_locations = array_map( 'wp_normalize_path', $template_locations );
* Filters the custom path variable. There is possible to set your custom templates path.
* Note: You could use this hook for getting JobBoardWP templates stored in your own custom path (e.g. uploads/ folder).
* This can be used to avoid the possibility of dumping templates if you are using a theme that is constantly updated and it is not possible to create a child-theme.
* @since 1.1.1
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @hook jb_template_structure_custom_path
* @param {bool} $custom_path Custom path to JobBoardWP templates. It's `false` by default.
* @param {string} $template_name Template name.
* @param {string} $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @return {bool|string} Maybe custom path to JobBoardWP templates. Otherwise false.
$custom_path = apply_filters( 'jb_template_structure_custom_path', false, $template_name, $module );
if ( false === $custom_path || ! is_dir( $custom_path ) ) {
$template = locate_template( $template_locations );
} else {
$template = $this->locate_template_custom_path( $template_locations, $custom_path );
// Get default template in cases:
// 1. Conflict test constant is defined and TRUE
// 2. There aren't any proper template in custom or theme directories
if ( ! $template || ( defined( 'JB_TEMPLATE_CONFLICT_TEST' ) && JB_TEMPLATE_CONFLICT_TEST ) ) {
// default path in plugin
if ( ! $default_path ) {
$default_path = $this->default_templates_path( $module );
$template = wp_normalize_path( trailingslashit( $default_path ) . $template_name );
// Return what we found.
* Filters the founded template location.
* Note: Ignore all locate rules for the selected $template_name.
* @since 1.1.1
* @since 1.2.2 Added $module argument.
* @hook jb_locate_template
* @param {string} $template Template full path.
* @param {string} $template_name Template name.
* @param {string} $module Module slug. (default: '').
* @param {string} $template_path Template path. (default: '').
* @return {string} Template full path.
return apply_filters( 'jb_locate_template', $template, $template_name, $module, $template_path );
* Retrieve the name of the highest priority template file that exists in custom path.
* @since 1.1.1
* @param string|array $template_locations Template file(s) to search for, in order.
* @param string $custom_path Custom path to the JB templates.
* @return string The template filename if one is located.
public function locate_template_custom_path( $template_locations, $custom_path ) {
$located = '';
foreach ( (array) $template_locations as $template_location ) {
if ( ! $template_location ) {
$path = wp_normalize_path( trailingslashit( $custom_path ) . $template_location );
if ( file_exists( $path ) ) {
$located = $path;
return $located;
* @param string $email_key
* @param bool $with_ext
* @return string
public function get_email_template( $email_key, $with_ext = true ) {
$template_path = $with_ext ? "emails/{$email_key}.php" : "emails/{$email_key}";
* Filters an email template path inside `jobboardwp/` folder.
* @since 1.1.1
* @hook jb_email_template_path
* @param {string} $template Email template path.
* @param {string} $email_key Email notification key.
* @return {string} Email template path. 'emails/{$email_key}.php' by default.
return apply_filters( 'jb_email_template_path', $template_path, $email_key );
* Getting module slug for email notification.
* @since 1.2.2
* @param string $email_key Email Notification key.
* @return bool|string false If email key doesn't exist in the email notifications list
* '{empty_string}' or '{module_slug}' For core email notification or email notification inside the module.
public function get_email_template_module( $email_key ) {
$email_notifications = JB()->config()->get( 'email_notifications' );
if ( ! array_key_exists( $email_key, $email_notifications ) ) {
return false;
if ( ! array_key_exists( 'module', $email_notifications[ $email_key ] ) ) {
return '';
return $email_notifications[ $email_key ]['module'];
* Undash string. Easy operate
* @since 1.2.2
* @param string $slug
* @return string
public function undash( $slug ) {
return str_replace( '-', '_', $slug );
* Get the price format depending on the currency position.
* @return string
public function get_job_salary_format( $context = '' ) {
$currency_pos = JB()->options()->get( 'job-salary-currency-pos' );
switch ( $currency_pos ) {
case 'right':
$format = ( 'js' === $context ) ? '${salary}${symbol}' : '%2$s%1$s';
case 'left_space':
$format = ( 'js' === $context ) ? '${symbol} ${salary}' : '%1$s %2$s';
case 'right_space':
$format = ( 'js' === $context ) ? '${salary} ${symbol}' : '%2$s %1$s';
case 'left':
$format = ( 'js' === $context ) ? '${symbol}${salary}' : '%1$s%2$s';
* Filters job salary format.
* @since 1.2.6
* @hook jb_job_salary_format
* @param {string} $format Email template path.
* @param {string} $currency_pos Email notification key.
* @return {string} Email template path. 'emails/{$email_key}.php' by default.
return apply_filters( 'jb_job_salary_format', $format, $currency_pos );